Companies Curbing Food Safety Concerns

Food-borne illnesses are becoming a great concern in the world today. In America, such incidences are so common that nearly one in every six American are afflicted by the illness every year. 128,000 of those who fall ill due to eating contaminated foods will get hospitalized and 3,000 of them will die. The poisonous elements... Read More

Child Weight Gain Linked To Antibiotics

Childhood weight gain is becoming a serious problem in the United States, often linked to an array of unhealthy lifestyle choices including fast food and video games. Yet, recent research out of Pennsylvania is starting to discover a new trend, a trend that will definitely startle those who believe that they’ve only been doing what’s... Read More

Consumer Health Changes In Healthcare

With the presidential candidates each making their arguments over what their plans are for health care, knowing what the future holds for the health care of consumers is difficult to predict. Along with the unknown future of our country’s leadership comes the overwhelming concern of healthcare costs that the consumer will have to pay for.... Read More

Benefits Of Eating Fermented Foods

Eating fermented foods may sound disgusting, but these foods can save your life and make you healthier. The human body needs the bacteria that lurks inside fermented foods, in order to function properly, such as the gut or the digestive system. Fermented foods go through a process called lacto-fermentation. Read more about lacto-fermentation here. In... Read More

Are There Benefits To Legalizing Marijuana?

Marijuana is very controversial although studies are beginning to show its merit in health issues. There are quite a few reasons legalizing marijuana can benefit society especially economically. Medically we already know that cancer patients show a greater appetite when given medical marijuana for cancer symptoms and chemotherapy side effects. Other patients are finding that... Read More

Your Child’s Diet Habits In Utero

Eating healthfully and maintaining a normal body weight is difficult for many people. It is easy to get in the habit of following a certain diet that consists of frequent stops to fast food restaurants, binges on junk food, and regularly consuming other foods that aren’t so healthy. Although parents may not realize it, their... Read More

Child Vaccines

Parents are required to make difficult decisions regarding their children’s health every day. Bearing the weight of the responsibility of making decisions regarding the health of another can be difficult, and vaccines have been a topic of many heated discussions. While the safety and efficacy of vaccines have been called into question, the medical community... Read More

Are Food Intolerances on the Rise?

Twenty-eight percent of adults 18 and older avoid gluten in their diets, according to NPD Group, a market research company. Around 30 million Americans have a degree of lactose intolerance. Why does it seem that more and more people are afflicted with the symptoms of food intolerance? Could you have a food intolerance? Food Allergies... Read More