Flu medications

Ten Sniffles Prevention Strategies

Flus and colds are considered the most frequent sicknesses in people. They are considered the most common
reason for work and school absenteeism. In the U.S., 22 million school days are lost every year due to common cold. To get ahead of the curve this year, learn about the ten surprising ways to prevent the sniffles.

Ten Ways To Keep The Sniffles At Bay

1. Clean Your Hands Regularly

Washing and drying your hands often particularly after touching or holding anyone or anything that contains germs isFlu medications essential in defending yourself against flu and cold infections. Since microbes cling to your skin when it’s wet, drying your hands is also significant. In addition, ensure that you replace wet towels with dry ones.

2. Cut Back On Sweets

In a study at Loma Linda University, some people took six tablespoons of sugar and their white blood cells lost their capability to fight off the viruses and bacteria. Your immune system is lowered for many hours after consuming sugar; therefore cutting down sugars will help you prevent sniffles.

3. Drink Lots Of Water

If you have a virus, drinking lots of fluids lessens the symptoms. Staying hydrated may also ward off infections. Your immune cells and mucous membrane secretions defend cold and flu viruses, and they work efficiently when you are hydrated. Drinking fluids equal to a third of your weight can be very helpful while preventing sniffles. In addition to that, drink a glass of water for each alcoholic or caffeinated drink you take.

4. Don’t Keep Toothbrushes In One Jar

If one toothbrush is infected, then it can contaminate the rest in close contact. Ensure that your family’s toothbrushes are kept in a holder so that they are separated. Let them dry thoroughly to avoid harboring germs.

5. Practice Qigong

Trying the Chinese mind-body practice helps you combine breath management and slow movements that will lower stress and enhance focus; it will also contribute to fighting colds. Qigong can prevent 70% of respiratory infections.

6. Socialize With Friends

Although cold and flu viruses are spread through socialization, the more social relationships you get into, whether friends, family, churches, clubs; the less likely you are to get sick. Having many acquaintances offers psychological benefits like less depression and more optimism that enhances the immune system. These relationships can also sway you to maintain better health habits.

7. Stop Biting Your Nails

It’s close to impossible to keep off germs from your hands; however, it is essential to prevent lifting them to the respiratory system. Biting your nails, rubbing or wiping your nose or eyes, will put the flu virus right where they will go and cause damage- your respiratory system. Keeping your hands in the right place may sound easy; but it’s quite a challenge, and in reality, adults can touch their faces 15 times per hour.

8. Lose Weight

If you have extra weight, the flu vaccine might not work efficiently, and if you catch the germ, you are prone to get sicker. In obese people, the antibodies that fight off the flu increases typically after vaccination but decreases prematurely lessening protection. Apart from sniffle prevention, a 5 to 10% weight loss can prevent several types of Woman meditatingdisease.

9. Enough sleep

To have your immune system fit, you need enough rest. People who sleep less than seven hours, though they say
they feel well rested are more prone to contract a cold than those who sleep eight or more hours.

10. Learn to Meditate

Your mind can cut down your chances of getting a cold by almost 50%. Using mindfulness techniques can help
lessen infections and reduce sick days during flu and cold season. Meditation reduces the physical impacts of stress, which wane the immune system.

Catching a cold can be discomforting; it’s, therefore, necessary to avoid flu and cold if possible. Apply the above-mentioned approaches to prevent sniffles.