Apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar: 6 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits

A good number of people have embraced the idea of keeping a jug of vinegar in their pantries. It offers a tasty White vinegar bottleaddition to marinades, pickles, and salad dressing. Besides, this ancient folk remedy has arguably even more
applications that are meant to deal with health concerns including cancer, diabetes, heart problems, weight issues and even high cholesterol levels. Aside from the regular vinegar, there is apple cider vinegar which has been touted to have numerous health benefits when taken correctly.

Apple Cider Health Benefits

Below are 6 proven health benefits of apple cider vinegar:

1. Balances Blood Sugar Levels and Fights Diabetes

Apple cider vinegar possesses an anti-glycemic property that is beneficial in keeping blood sugar levels balanced. The acetic acid in vinegar inactivates a few digestive enzymes that digest carbohydrates. As a result, this slows the metabolism of complex carbs, which allows the body to have more time to pull out the sugar out of the blood.

Additionally, a health-based study found that type 2 diabetes patients who were not taking insulin had lower glucose concentrations in the morning after taking two tablespoons of the vinegar before bedtime.

2. Lowers Cholesterol and Improves Your Heart Health

One of the largest causes of death in the world is cardiovascular conditions, which include stroke and heart diseases. Apple cider vinegar is known to lower triglyceride, low-density lipoproteins (‘bad’ cholesterol) levels and raising high-density lipoproteins (‘good’ cholesterol) levels. It also contains chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant that inhibits the oxidation of LDL cholesterol particles. This is a vital step in reducing the risks of heart disease.

3. Enhances Weight Loss

Vinegar in general increases your satiety, helps you consume smaller quantities of calories and can result in loss of some pounds. A study carried out by NCBI on obese Japanese subjects found that individuals who consumed vinegar on a daily basis for 12 weeks, reduced their waist circumference, belly fat, and lowered blood triglycerides significantly. They also lost weight in the following proportions:

  • 1 tablespoon (15ml): lost 1.2 kg or 2.6 pounds
  • 2 tablespoons (30ml): lost 1.7 kg or 3.7 pounds

Apple cider vinegar contains significant amounts of both acetic and caffeic acids, which work to speed up fat metabolism. When combined with a healthy diet, this accelerates the process of losing weight, even without dieting or exercise. It has also been found that these same antioxidants can help slow the progression of many health conditions, including diabetes and heart disease.

These combined effects mean that an added dose of this vinegar could help you achieve not only a healthy body weight but a healthier heart as well.

4. It Improves Digestion and Fights Acid Reflux

Since apple cider vinegar prevents complete digestion of carbs, the undigested starch feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Also, drinking a tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar diluted in a big glass of fresh water prevents constipation. That’s because it raises the acidity in the digestive system allowing better digestion of the consumed food. Consequently, it aids in propelling the digested food into the small intestine.

5. It Clears Sinuses and Fights Sore ThroatsApple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known for breaking up and clearing out sinuses. Also, it helps fight colds, as it has an antibacterial property. The potassium in the vinegar thins the mucus while the acetic acid inhibits the growth of the germ that causes nasal congestion. The antibacterial property also keeps a sore throat at bay.

At the earliest indications of a sore throat, swish equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and warm water and repeat every hour or so.

One concern that many advocates claim to use apple cider vinegar for a sore throat is that it contains acetic acid. However, because it is usually very diluted, most experts agree that the effects of acetic acid are unlikely to be noticeable. Regardless, any relief from the discomfort of a sore throat is worth trying, provided it can be proved that it is an effective treatment.

6. It Boosts Energy

Sometimes extreme stress or exercise can lead to lactic acid build-up causing fatigue. Fortunately, the amino acids found in apple cider vinegar can be an antidote, it helps clear lactic acid, and reduce muscle soreness.

The vinegar also contains enzymes and potassium, which relieves that feeling of tiredness. Don’t go for an energy drink the next time you feel tired; it’s probably filled with chemicals. Rather, add one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water for an energy boost.

Extra: Skin Benefits

The health benefits of apple cider vinegar seem to apply just as strongly to skin care as it does to a healthy lifestyle. In fact, drinking a glass of this healthy vinegar on a daily basis has been shown to promote healthy skin. As acetic acid helps to break down the layers of dead skin cells, the skin becomes smoother and less bumpy. This is the basis for many home remedies for improving the appearance of the skin.

Some proponents claim that apple cider vinegar can relieve the symptoms of eczema, but these claims remain scientifically unproven. R

Keep It As A Kitchen Staple

Apple cider vinegar is a remedy that has all sorts of health benefits that have surpassed scientific research and therefore should be a must-have item in your kitchen. Take one or two tablespoons diluted in a big glass of fresh water if you experience any of the above conditions and enjoy maximum apple benefits.

Where Does ACV Come From?

Apple cider vinegar is produced via a two-step process (2). First, the fruit is crushed and mixed with water. Next, it’s added to a solution that contains a variety of microorganisms, including Streptococcus spp., Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Gardnella streptococcus. This mixture helps inhibit bacteria and viruses, while providing a suitable environment for a natural-occurring sulfur compound called malic acid, which kills bacteria. As the acid blends with the other microorganisms, it creates a new, beneficial environment for bacteria, thereby killing any remaining harmful ones.

Many commercial apple cider vinegar manufacturers add an undesirable number of unhealthy contaminants. Most have at least one ingredient that is not a pure form of acetic acid bacteria, such as yeast or sugar. Vinegar is a naturally occurring product, so it’s important to select pure brands. Most of the wines produced in the United States contain added sugars that are not part of the vinegar’s natural makeup.